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Experienced Independent Information Technology Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry for over 25 years. Skilled in Servers, Active Directory, Windows Server, Linux,, Virtualization, and Networking. Strong information technology professional with an Associate's Degree focused in Computer Network Systems from ITT Technical Institute. Also having a background in construction trades (Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical)




ITT Technical InstituteSouth Bend, Indiana
Associates DegreeDecember 2010
Computer Network SystemsGPA 3.6

CompTIASouth Bend, Indiana
A+ CertificationNovember 2000

Home SchoolJune 1990

Employment History

HWCSeptember 2019 - Present

VoIP Engineer / Technician / Electronics Engineer / Programmer, responsible for building custom hardware and writing, modifying software to customers needs, and maintaining and installing new VoIP Services.

Oasis Bath and LifestyleJanuary 2020 - July 2023

Programmer, responsible for building custom hardware and writing, modifying software to customers needs, Maintaining Network and infrastrucure.

Hyper Wave TechnologiesAugust 2014 - September 2019

Network Engineer/Technician/Installer. responsible for building and maintaining network and installing Internet and VoIP services.

DCTech2010 - 2013

Network Engineer/Technician/Installer. responsible for building and maintaining network and installing internet and VoIP services.

Independent I.T. ConsultantNovember 2009 - 2018

Building Computer Networks, Setting up VoIP Solutions, and updating Customer Networks, Implementing Backup Solutions to save Customer Data. Writing scripts and apps.

Starke County GovernmentKnox, Indiana
I.T. DirectorDecember 2007 - July 2011

Worked to shrink the County I.T. Budget from 500k to just above 300k, by switching phone services to VoIP, updating infrastructure to save on Internet Fees.
Also built S.A.N.'s in house at the time saving 30k over other S.A.N. Solutions. Designed and Implemented Programs.

Knox ComputersKnox, Indiana
Systems AdministratorDecember 2001 - October 2008

Computer Repair both Onsite and in house, built router using Linux and shorewall saving hundreds if not thousands at the time, later re-built using pfsense to make managing it simpler, built a new web server using linux saving a few hundred in licensing. Created Scripts in Windows and Linux to save time working on PC's.

Modular BuildersRochester, Indiana
PlumberFebruary 2001 - November 2001

Building walls for Bathrooms & Kitchens, installing Toilets and Urinals.

Ameri-Can EngineeringArgos, Indiana
PlumberMarch 1998 - June 2000

Designed and Implemented Plumbing solutions for Portable Restroom Units.

Henkels & McCoyElkhart, Indiana
General LaborJanuary 1996 - February 1998

Keeping the yard looking neat and clean, moving large equipment (Backhoe, trackhoe, bulldozer, outdoor forklift).

GopherWood Construction Mentone, Indiana

Carpenter / General LaborerApril 1995 - December 1995

General carpentry work, stick building homes (including a Hexadome House in Warsaw), as well as remodeling, roofing, additions etc.






Systems Administrator★★★★☆

Network Administrator★★★★☆




C# ★★☆☆☆


Charles MurphyDigger Specialties
Friend15448 Michigan Road
574-229-3953Argos, IN 46501

Richard JuneUnited Federal Credit Union
Friend151 W. Washington St
219-363-1123Knox, IN 46534

Bob BarcusHWC
Friend17569 Muckshaw Rd
574-540-7672Argos, IN 46501

Jason NicholsHWC
Friend213 Maple St
574-339-3131Argos, IN 46501


CodePen Tribute to Linus Torvalds
Tower Finder web app made for use at Hyper Wave Technologies

Get your IP Address Here
Simple Lunch Picking app (it decides so you don't have to!)

Karaoke app I made for a friend.

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